
Serendipity. She's been waiting for me.
As if nothing happened. And everything.

A nomad who prefers to live in the dark.
With two unconditional lovers.
There the nomad can see more. And need less.

The nomad was preparing his walls.
The coming of a seer. A child. Leftovers.

I cooked.


My past.
Your adivinations.

A forever passed, a circle closed.
They call it Winter Solstice.
A future was proposed.
The seer smiled. Fried Onions.

Nightmares and dreams.
68 minutes of emergency.
Impractical Vessels.
Connective Tissues.

Death and the beginning.
Tears and salt.
I cooked.

Nightmares and Dreams
Things on the Wall: Ana Cano B
Wall: Espacio B Madrid
Document: Rio Park
Resonance: Pepe Dayaw
Footnote: Sometime around Spring of 2014, a project called Archive of Affects coordinated by Oscar Cornago and company, brought the Nowhere Kitchen, with me and Marie Capesius to improvise the first public cooking situation in this space. Espacio B has been developing, without the need for profit and bureaucracy, numerous transdisciplinary and collaborative projects for the community of Lavapies. They have become friends.

Ana Cano B's inspiring work was installed in Espacio B when I happened to be in Madrid, a playful, romantic mix of ceramic, drawings and collages. She was very open to have her work be intervened by other artists. And so during the finissage, she let me improvise another cooking situation where she let me use her wonderful ceramics to cook he leftovers from Espacio B's fridge. I was so inspired by her pieces, allowing it to choreograph my improvisations into new ways of looking at eating and serving.

In the Spring / Summer of 2017, Nowhere Kitchen hopes to come back to Madrid to develop works in Espacio B and with Ana's wonderful work.
Lavapies, Madrid. December 2016